Los Altos Hills Pet Room
39% of American households own at least 1 dog. There are 74.8 million owned dogs.
34% of American households own at least 1 cat. There are 88.3 million owned cats.
So why are there dog food bowls in the middle of beautiful kitchen remodels and unsightly litter boxes in the middle of elegant bathrooms? We are eager to add creative solutions to your daily pet needs: feeding locations, grooming stations, leash and toy storage, bulk food storage, clever litter boxes, and sleeping areas.
Because pets are family, too!
34% of American households own at least 1 cat. There are 88.3 million owned cats.
So why are there dog food bowls in the middle of beautiful kitchen remodels and unsightly litter boxes in the middle of elegant bathrooms? We are eager to add creative solutions to your daily pet needs: feeding locations, grooming stations, leash and toy storage, bulk food storage, clever litter boxes, and sleeping areas.
Because pets are family, too!